The Healthy Hearing Report
Each week the Healthy Hearing Report team publishes helpful information about living with hearing loss, tinnitus and other auditory disorders.
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We also have in-depth general information on hearing loss, tinnitus, hearing aids, and hearing aid brands.
Brainwave entrainment for tinnitus
Brainwave entrainment is a mind-altering technology that offers a range of interesting (and potentially therapeutic) benefits for people with tinnitus.
Brainwave entrainment for tinnitus
Brainwave entrainment is a mind-altering technology that offers a range of interesting (and potentially therapeutic) benefits for people with tinnitus.
Obesity and hearing loss: Are they connected?
Obesity may increase the risk of other health conditions that are linked to hearing loss, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Obesity and hearing loss: Are they connected?
Obesity may increase the risk of other health conditions that are linked to hearing loss, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
What is otosclerosis?
Otosclerosis occurs when a small bone in the middle ear becomes stuck, limiting its ability to vibrate and conduct sound. It can cause hearing loss, dizziness and tinnitus.
What is otosclerosis?
Otosclerosis occurs when a small bone in the middle ear becomes stuck, limiting its ability to vibrate and conduct sound. It can cause hearing loss, dizziness and tinnitus.
Three doctors with hearing loss share their best advice
Three doctors with hearing loss share their best tools, tips, and tricks to make living with hearing loss easier.
Three doctors with hearing loss share their best advice
Three doctors with hearing loss share their best tools, tips, and tricks to make living with hearing loss easier.
How to remove ear wax from your hearing aids
Earwax build-up is a common cause of hearing aid malfunction. Using these tips for keeping hearing aids clean of ear wax can help prevent unnecessary clinic visits and frustrating hearing aid repairs.
How to remove ear wax from your hearing aids
Earwax build-up is a common cause of hearing aid malfunction. Using these tips for keeping hearing aids clean of ear wax can help prevent unnecessary clinic visits and frustrating hearing aid repairs.
Notable celebrities who have hearing loss or tinnitus
A round-up of notable actors and musicians who've talked about their journey with hearing loss or tinnitus.
Notable celebrities who have hearing loss or tinnitus
A round-up of notable actors and musicians who've talked about their journey with hearing loss or tinnitus.
Tinnitus and hearing loss during pregnancy: Why does it happen?
Tinnitus and hearing problems during pregnancy can be caused by many conditions, including serious illnesses like preeclampsia.
Tinnitus and hearing loss during pregnancy: Why does it happen?
Tinnitus and hearing problems during pregnancy can be caused by many conditions, including serious illnesses like preeclampsia.
What is reverse-slope (low frequency) hearing loss?
Reverse-slope hearing loss, also known as low-frequency hearing loss, is a rare type of hearing loss that makes it harder to hear low-pitched sounds such as men's voices and thunder. Find out how it affects your hearing and what you can do about it.
What is reverse-slope (low frequency) hearing loss?
Reverse-slope hearing loss, also known as low-frequency hearing loss, is a rare type of hearing loss that makes it harder to hear low-pitched sounds such as men's voices and thunder. Find out how it affects your hearing and what you can do about it.
Hearing aids for tinnitus
Many people don't realize that tinnitus is a sign of hearing loss. When treated properly with hearing aids, many people find relief from the ringing in their ears.
Hearing aids for tinnitus
Many people don't realize that tinnitus is a sign of hearing loss. When treated properly with hearing aids, many people find relief from the ringing in their ears.
Vitamins, minerals and supplements for hearing problems
Emerging research indicates that vinpocetine, folate, B vitamins, carotenoids, and omega-3s have the potential to boost hearing health, but experts stress caution, especially for tinnitus.
Vitamins, minerals and supplements for hearing problems
Emerging research indicates that vinpocetine, folate, B vitamins, carotenoids, and omega-3s have the potential to boost hearing health, but experts stress caution, especially for tinnitus.
Some lifesaving antibiotics may cause hearing loss and balance problems
A certain class of antibiotics that includes the drugs streptomycin and gentamicin are linked to causing hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems.
Some lifesaving antibiotics may cause hearing loss and balance problems
A certain class of antibiotics that includes the drugs streptomycin and gentamicin are linked to causing hearing loss, tinnitus and balance problems.
Why you should consider joining a hearing loss support group
Feeling isolated or frustrated by your hearing loss? You may want to consider joining a hearing loss support group.
Why you should consider joining a hearing loss support group
Feeling isolated or frustrated by your hearing loss? You may want to consider joining a hearing loss support group.
Can CBD oil treat tinnitus?
Medical science says the jury is still out on CBD, but some tinnitus sufferers say they have all the proof they need.
Can CBD oil treat tinnitus?
Medical science says the jury is still out on CBD, but some tinnitus sufferers say they have all the proof they need.
Hearing loss and falls: Why they're connected
Research strongly links hearing loss to an increased risk of falling. Hearing aids and other preventive measures can help lower your risk.
Hearing loss and falls: Why they're connected
Research strongly links hearing loss to an increased risk of falling. Hearing aids and other preventive measures can help lower your risk.
How an Apple Watch can help with hearing aids and hearing loss
With your hearing aids and an Apple Watch, you can access several helpful features to enhance your accessibility—especially if your hearing aids come with a corresponding hearing aid app.
How an Apple Watch can help with hearing aids and hearing loss
With your hearing aids and an Apple Watch, you can access several helpful features to enhance your accessibility—especially if your hearing aids come with a corresponding hearing aid app.
What is somatic tinnitus? Causes, treatments, and coping strategies
If you have tinnitus that seems connected to movement or tension like TMJ disorder, it may be a subtype known as somatic tinnitus.
What is somatic tinnitus? Causes, treatments, and coping strategies
If you have tinnitus that seems connected to movement or tension like TMJ disorder, it may be a subtype known as somatic tinnitus.
Understanding the various parts of a hearing aid
Your hearing aid contains a microphone, speaker, processor and battery to help you hear the best you can. Learn more about the various parts of a hearing aid.
Understanding the various parts of a hearing aid
Your hearing aid contains a microphone, speaker, processor and battery to help you hear the best you can. Learn more about the various parts of a hearing aid.
Hard of hearing vs. hearing impairment: Why inclusive language matters
If you have hearing loss, how do you identify yourself? As hard of hearing? Hearing impaired? A person with hearing loss? Or something else? Writer Carmen Cusido shares her journey of embracing "hard of hearing."
Hard of hearing vs. hearing impairment: Why inclusive language matters
If you have hearing loss, how do you identify yourself? As hard of hearing? Hearing impaired? A person with hearing loss? Or something else? Writer Carmen Cusido shares her journey of embracing "hard of hearing."
What the research says about caffeine, hearing loss and tinnitus
We take a look at the research on caffeine and its impact on hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease. Overall, normal caffeine consumption doesn't appear to be harmful.
What the research says about caffeine, hearing loss and tinnitus
We take a look at the research on caffeine and its impact on hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease. Overall, normal caffeine consumption doesn't appear to be harmful.
Wear hearing aids? Here's why you may want a remote microphone
If you wear hearing aids, you may want to purchase a separate remote microphone system, which helps you hear better in tricky situations like meetings or restaurants.
Wear hearing aids? Here's why you may want a remote microphone
If you wear hearing aids, you may want to purchase a separate remote microphone system, which helps you hear better in tricky situations like meetings or restaurants.
COVID-19, vaccinations, and tinnitus: What’s the connection?
Some people report tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, after a COVID-19 infection or even vaccination. Can coronavirus cause tinnitus? We take a look at the research.
COVID-19, vaccinations, and tinnitus: What’s the connection?
Some people report tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, after a COVID-19 infection or even vaccination. Can coronavirus cause tinnitus? We take a look at the research.
Frequent use of pain relievers linked to tinnitus
A growing body of research indicates that people who frequently use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as aspirin or acetaminophen, are at higher risk for developing tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
Frequent use of pain relievers linked to tinnitus
A growing body of research indicates that people who frequently use over-the-counter pain relievers, such as aspirin or acetaminophen, are at higher risk for developing tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
Hearing aids may slow onset of dementia and Alzheimer's. Here's why.
Mounting evidence shows how hearing aids and regular counseling from a hearing care specialist can reduce the rate of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.
Hearing aids may slow onset of dementia and Alzheimer's. Here's why.
Mounting evidence shows how hearing aids and regular counseling from a hearing care specialist can reduce the rate of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults.
Ear drainage – why it happens and what it means
It’s normal for ear wax to drain from your ears on occasion, but if you’re experiencing excessive drainage of fluid with pain or fever, it’s time to seek medical treatment. You may have an infection.
Ear drainage – why it happens and what it means
It’s normal for ear wax to drain from your ears on occasion, but if you’re experiencing excessive drainage of fluid with pain or fever, it’s time to seek medical treatment. You may have an infection.